In 2019, EBU and its members implemented activities to foster the development of an inclusive Europe, where blind and partially sighted (BPS) citizens have the same rights and opportunities as other citizens.

We collaborated with European and national authorities so that blind and partially-sighted persons’ rights are fully addressed in any future legislation. EBU collected good practices for Safe and Independent Mobility for BPS persons and draft position papers and responses to EC consultations. Our on-line UNCRPD database was enriched with an analytical report on article 33 “National implementation and monitoring”.

EBU also reinforced its members’ capacities to contribute to the development and the implementation of EU legislation and policies. In June, BPS leaders attended the GEAR conference towards mainstreaming gender equality at national level. Through ADVISE, young BPS persons were accompanied to find a job in Austria, Montenegro, Poland and Spain. Together with our Moldavian member, A new internal “how to” memo on advocacy meetings was produced in 13 languages to help our members promote more efficiently BPS persons’ interests when liaising with European and national authorities.

Awareness-raising continued, in particular through modern and accessible tools (website, newsletter, flash news, Facebook, Twitter). Our Icelandic and Serbian members organised UNCRPD information sessions and experts devised the AVA awareness-raising video and brochure on accessible voting. The EBU Access Cast on accessible technologies was also released every month.

Finally, our network was strengthened. E-workshops on “Getting to know EBU” and “Improving your written skills” were provided to young national and European leaders. National low vision committees (Croatia, Cyprus and Finland) and elderly committees (Cyprus and Slovenia) have been set up or reinforced.

Thanks to EBU members for their precious support in contributing and/or leading these activities!