2021 International O&M Online Symposium


Ready to up-level your skills and learn the most effective O&M strategies from experts all over the world?

As an O&M specialist, your students are counting on you to help them increase their independence and improve their lives.

You want to offer them the most impactful lessons and solutions you can. After all, you got into this profession to make a difference for your students.

But with an ever-increasing workload and all the struggles the past year has brought, you’re probably feeling stretched thin, isolated, and headed for burnout.

When it comes to getting the help you need, there are tons of free webinars out there vying for your attention. But piecemealing those strategies together can leave you feeling scattered, and implementing them into your practice is another challenge.

On top of everything else, you need to get your CEU's.

See the website for more information and inscriptions.