New e-books to help relate to blind and partially sighted people.

Perkins School for the Blind (USA) has released two new e-books that encourage more interaction between the sighted public and people who are blind. The e-books, available for free on the Perkins website, offer straightforward tips on how to interact with people with visual impairment – whether they're applying for a job, sitting in the office breakroom or riding the subway.

The first e-book, titled “Working Together, Every Day,” gives readers a three-step tutorial in inclusive hiring. There are tips on eliminating barriers in the recruitment process, interviewing candidates who are blind, and building accessible workspaces for new employees with visual impairment.

The second e-book, “Including Everybody, Every Day ,” urges readers to reach out to people who are blind in social situations. It encourages people who are sighted to include their neighbour or colleague who is blind in social events, and to say hello when they pass someone with a white cane on the street. It includes a list of suggestions for interacting with people with visual impairment in public, at the office and at parties or playdates.