EBU Gender Equality Committee action plan

On the occasion of the 2021 International Women’s Day, EBU wishes to announce the launching of the 2021 – 2023 Gender Equality Committee Action Plan. The main purpose of informing you and sharing this Action Plan with all our national members is to show how EBU continues to comply with its commitment to promote gender equality in all aspects of its work. The Action Plan, adopted by the EBU Board during its online meeting on February 6, 2021, lists a number of actions in three main objectives, as these have been outlined in the text of the Malmo Declaration, adopted during the EBU GEAR Conference, held in Malmo, Sweden, on June 13-15, 2019.

These objectives are:

  • mainstream gender in all EBU work, policies and documents, including the constitution and by-laws,
  • advance the work on balanced representation at all levels of EBU,
  • raise awareness on the situation of visually impaired women and girls and work towards the inclusion of blind and partially sighted women in society and ensure that EBU’s work with the EU, EDF, EWL, ICEVI and other organisations takes into account the perspective and specific needs of visually impaired women of all ages.