Visual: The video begins by showing a baby in the form of a simple pictogram, who gradually increases in age, is seen in a pushchair, on a swing and finally, jumping onto a skateboard. We then see the young man on a bicycle, showing his progression through life as he climbs stairs, escalators and jumps on a bus. He then hails a taxi and moves on. Having found his direction in life, he opens a door. Going through the door he meets a female companion, it is love at first sight, they join hands and move on together. They have a child of their own, the cycle of life continues, and as they walk on, they start to stoop, due to old age, and need a stick to walk. Narration: We say "life is too short", but really it hasn't stopped getting longer. And the more our life expectancy grows, the more likely it is that our eyesight will deteriorate. Visual: The video shows the person reading a book, then having to hold it further away, then we see an opticians eye-chart which becomes blurred. The person is then seen accompanied by a guide-dog and a cane, and this image multiplies on the screen which is filled with the little characters all with guide-dogs and canes showing the scale of the problem of age-related sight loss. Narration: Sight loss can, however, lead to a greater sense of isolation. Visual: The characters then fade leaving just one tiny figure. Narration: Who will take responsibility for a growing population of potentially visually impaired people? Let's not close our eyes to what might become a major social catastrophe. Visit the Euroblind web site .