EDF European Accessibility Summit 2024


On May 7th, the European Disability Forum (EDF) will organise its 4th European Accessibility Summit with Microsoft, in Brussels and online.  

As in previous editions, this is a hybrid event, bringing together the disability movement, industry and policymakers to discuss all things accessibility.  

This year in June there will be European Parliament Elections, with a whole new, or not so new, set of leaders for the EU in the next five years. We will assess what has been achieved in the last five years- and what remains to be done.  

We will also have a panel looking at elections. How does digital accessibility, or inaccessibility, impact persons with disabilities voting and standing for election? Where are the barriers, and what are the solutions?  

We have perhaps all heard about the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which businesses trading in Europe will have to follow- will this improve accessibility and inclusion of persons with disabilities at work?  

Finally, as usual, sprinkled throughout the day you can experience technology demonstrations and ask your questions to the experts.  

Visit the EDF website for more information.