Ireland - NCBI prioritizes digital equality

NCBI is on a mission to improve digital equality and inclusion for people who are blind or vision impaired. Monitoring and auditing websites and apps against the WCAG 2.1 standards of accessibility and the EU Web Accessibility Directive is the core business of IA Labs, a recently launched spin out company of NCBI. This group of specialist staff review and audit websites and apps thoroughly and provide actionable feedback to help clients improve their websites for people with disabilities.

Recently, IA Labs launched the findings of the Irish Digital Accessibility Index 2022. The index is the result of months of hard work recording how accessible – or inaccessible – Ireland’s technology space is so far. Although the Web Accessibility Directive only mandates public sector websites to be accessible, IA Labs’s Index looked at both private companies as well as public sector.

The new report showed that 72% of leading Irish companies do not have accessible websites. The Digital Accessibility Index also found that not one sector achieved a greater than 50% accessibility pass rate. Across the public sector, the findings were slightly more favourable with 89% of Government departments having accessible websites.

Follow the link for more information on the Index and IA Labs services in general.