Parvis project - webinar on non-discrimination and a new podcast

1. A webinar on non-discrimination regarding the right to accessible information will be organised on October 18th at 9:30-12:00 and October 19th at 10:00-11:30, on Zoom.

The purpose of this webinar is for visual impairment organisations to share what the most common forms of discrimination are when it comes to receiving accessible information in the areas of healthcare, employment and education in Europe and exchange on solutions and good practices to improve the situation. The outcomes of these discussions will be put down in a joint statement. The second morning of the seminar will recap PARVIS achievements and offers EBU members the opportunity for useful tools in their awareness-raising and advocacy work.

Read the agenda.

Please use this online form to register, after which you will receive the meeting link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

2. Rights-Reporting podcast episode 6 - The right to personal mobility

Listen to the latest Rights-Reporting podcast episode on the right to personal mobility, enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), article 20. You will hear about barriers and challenges, but also about possibilities, tools and solutions to improve personal mobility of visually impaired people. Read the podcast transcript.

The episode features two experts, Elaine Howley from Ireland, an advocate, a member of the Disability Stakeholders’ Group and a member of EBU's Low Vision Network in addition to Soelvi Oerstenvik from Norway, President of the Organisation Committee of the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted. Audrey Tormey from Ireland will also share her experiences.

For more information, contact